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Connecting with Actors

29 May 2015
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Web For Actors: Our main goal is to make sure that we give actors exactly what they want. What would be even better is to give the actors something that they didn't kn...

Actor Tools and Connectivity

22 May 2015
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Web For Actors: If you're not a web developer telling you that IADB keeps connecting to different API in order to ease the strain of data entry for the customer may so...

Actor Websites SEO

15 May 2015
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Web For Actors: I am a lead web developer over at IADB and I build actor websites. Most of the times when I tell people that I build websites for actors, they respond...

Rolling Headshots

8 May 2015
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Web For Actors: We here at IADB are always advocates of fresh new ideas to help actors further their careers. One of these great, fresh ideas comes from the wonderful...

Responsive Actor Websites

1 May 2015
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Web For Actors: The easiest way to explain responsive websites is with a picture and I have done just that. Take a closer look at the picture in this blog, it demonstr...

Stage Names

24 April 2015
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Web For Actors: There are many dialogues on whether an actor or an actress should consider obtaining a stage name. We're not talking about legally changing your name h...

Are You On Stage Yet?

17 April 2015
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Web For Actors: Are you on stage? Oh, I didn't mean for performing purposes, I meant for socializing purposes. Yahoo Entertainment described Stage 32 as a combinatio...

IADB Trailer

10 April 2015
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Web For Actors: Here is our first video commercial. Built in After Affects by yours truly with music and sound design by talented Dara Taylor (link to Dara's website o...

Already Have an Actor Website?

3 April 2015
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Web For Actors: You may recognize the image for this blog from our flyer which we have been distributing since April 2014 advertising that IADB makes actor websites li...

IADB Flyers

27 March 2015
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Web For Actors: We have released our flyers to different acting schools and stage managers, so if you have come across them recently, let us know, we'd like to here wh...

Accent Workshops

20 March 2015
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Web For Actors: Sometimes choosing the right actor means choosing the right skills an actor might posses, which often times includes the dialects he or she possesses....

Kickstart Your Film

13 March 2015
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Web For Actors: Internet Actor's Database soul existence is to help actors represent themselves online. This is the reason when we get really excited when we see or he...

Niche professional websites for people in the film and TV industry.